Sunday, October 21, 2012

Seattle's Gray is Back

So the last vestiges of summer have finally depart Puget Sound and the gray skies of fall/winter are here. This is the time of year when it is so easy to stay inside and avoid the elements.

The view from my desk downtown; facing north.
At the same time, what makes Seattle so great is that in spite of the weather and gray skies and rain, people still embrace getting outside. Yesterday I took the family on a trip to the far west side of Seattle proper to Discovery Park. In spite of the rain and cool wind blowing in off of Puget Sound, there were still plenty of folks at the park. We didn't last long--the thought of 5 people and 2 soaked dogs being in a minivan for the drive home was not something I looked forward to--but everybody seemed invigorated from our time outside. The kids retreated to the car happy and laughing, and the dogs had just enough exercise to settle them down for the afternoon.

It's going to be a long winter, it always is, and I am optimistic that if we continue these little jaunts that the cool and the rain and even the gray skies will not be conditions that we shy away from, but eventually part of the memories of our happiest times together.

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